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Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fur Kiassische Akupunktur & TCM

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fur Kiassische Akupunktur & TCM

The AGTCM (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fur Kiassische und Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin), the German Association of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, is an inter-vocational society, which is interested in improving the quality of training and therapy in traditional Chinese medicine. The AGTCM was founded in 1954, and today has almost 1400 members, mostly licensed TCM practitioners and medical doctors. The association is represented by a duly elected board of directors and also 40 regionally located quality circles offering a forum where therapists can communicate with one another on various subjects. The AGTCM is contractually linked to 6 regional schools of TCM located throughout Germany. This cooperation guarantees consistent training of the highest quality in all disciplines of TCM, acupuncture, herbal therapy, Qigong, Chinese massage and dietetics.